Here are all kinds of tips and tricks that will help you greatly in mastering and enjoying PopCalendarXP. Please come to visit our web site from time to time and you will find more interesting stuff.
Simply append the calendar engine tag to the bottom of your webpage and call
from your script, which will pop-up
a beautiful picker under the "dateCtrl".
Please check out the HelloWorld Tutorial for more details.
Create an empty directory, put the engine files in. Then go inside the themes
directory and pick up a theme you like, copy all files of the theme to the
directory just created. Finally, if you want to add agendas, you may start
with the agenda.js
in the HelloWorld demo, using it as a template
to create your own.
It's quite straightforward, please check out the Tutorials for more details and samples.
If you are upgrading from within the same major version, e.g. from 6.0 to 6.1, all you need is to copy the new engine files to overwrite the old ones. That's all, there is no need to change your production page or any theme options. It's quite easy and painless.
If you want to upgrade across major versions, e.g. from 5.2 to 6.0, then in addition to replacing the engine files you may also need to migrate the old theme options to the new theme if you want to keep your old theme working. Most of the time you don't need to change anything in your web page unless it is explicitly required by the new version in its release notes.
PopCalendarXP comes with great themes optimized for English environment. But it's quite simple to localize them since all text strings are stored externally in either the theme files or the agenda file. All you need is to open them with a text editor like notepad and replace the English strings with your own language strings, then modify the css file to use corresponding font families.
If your page was generated dynamically by ASP server and you saw rectangles
instead of normal fonts in Netscape 4.x, please set the http charset header
to "" by using Response.Charset=""
in your
asp page. This header has to be set before anything else.
If your page aims to support multiple languages(i18n), please follow the instructions in the i18n tutorials to create a simple i18n framework.
Simply set the following options in the theme-name.js file.
Note: When gsSplit is set to empty string, like above, settings of gbPadZero and giMonthMode will be ignored and the engine will render the format as if gbPadZero were set to
var gsSplit=""; // separator of date string.
var giDatePos=2; // date format sequence 0: D-M-Y ; 1: M-D-Y; 2: Y-M-D
var gbPadZero=true; // whether to pad the digits with 0 in the left when less than 10.
var giMonthMode=0; // month format 0: digits ; 1: full name from gMonths; >2: abbreviated name
var gbShortYear=false; // year format true: 2-digits; false: 4-digits
and giMonthMode to 0
Add the following script snippet to your page, it'll do the trick. Note, you must set the name of popup button or image to "popcal" when using it, otherwise the calendar won't show up.
<script language="JavaScript">
if (!self.gfPop) return;
var n=!e?;
if (document.layers) {
with (gfPop) var l=pageX, t=pageY, r=l+clip.width, b=t+clip.height;
if (n!="popcal"&&(e.pageX>r||e.pageX<l||e.pageY>b||e.pageY<t)) gfPop.fHideCal();
return routeEvent(e); // must use return here.
} else if (n!="popcal") gfPop.fHideCal();
if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
This is just an example, you may use your own better solution. Also note you may need to change if the context name is not "gfPop" or if there are more than 1 context used.
Depending on the cgi service you are using the solution might be a little different. The basic idea is to make your cgi service produce the agenda.js dynamically, e.g. from a JSP or ASP. We had it detailed in the "Setting up agendas & holidays" tutorial.
There are 2 files involved in a theme that control the look of the calendar
- theme-name.js
& theme-name.css
. They are all
self-documented and you may use any text editor to fulfill the change. Please
refer to "Working with themes" tutorial for
Go to the theme-name.css
file and find the .CalCell
class, change the value of ruletext-align
to left
, center
or right
. To align it vertically, you'll have to turn it into
a table cell first by adding a CSS2 display
rule to both .CalCell
and .CellAnchor
and specify a vertical-align
rule afterwards:
.CalCell {...; text-align:center; display:table;}
.CellAnchor {...; display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle;}
For example, you want to perform the alert() function.
callback plugin in
the plugins.js
file, as following:
function fOnChange(y,m,d) {
if (d>0) alert([y,m,d]+' will be selected.');
return false; // return true to cancel the change.
plugin in the plugins.js
file, as following: function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
alert([y,m,d]+' has been selected.');
in the theme-name.js
file, as following:
var gsAction="alert([y,m,d]+' has been
Note you may also use pre-defined popup()
function (in plugins.js) to open up any URL in the current window or a new window. e.g.
function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
popup('', '_top');
Or even startup your email client by using "mailto". e.g.
function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
popup('mailto:who@email.address?subject=hello there', '_blank');
It's a known issue for IE on Mac and Konqueror. To workaround, you may set the margin and padding of the <body> tag in your page to 0. e.g.
<style type="text/css">BODY {margin:0; padding:0}</style>
Another way is to take advantage of the gPosOffset
theme option
by setting it as following:
var gPosOffset=(IE&&MAC)||KO3?[12,14]:[0,0];
It means the calendar engine will offset the popup position 12 pixels righter and 14 pixels lower if it's running inside IE on Mac or Konqueror.
There is an option in the theme-name.js file called gPosOffset
that controls the offset. Say if you want to adjust the pop-up position by
10 pixels higher in browsers other than Netscape 4.x, you need to set it as
var gPosOffset=[0, NN4?0:-10];
Since version 8.2 you can also pass the offset data directly into the fPopCalendar()
call so as to offset the popup position on-the-fly. Please check the HelloWorld tutorial for details.
There is an option in the theme-name.js file called gbFixedPos
Simply set it to true
and then set the value of gPosOffset
to the static coordinates of the popup position. Note this setting may be overriden by the posOffset
parameter of the fPopCalendar()
Simply change the #outerTable
CSS style in the theme-name.css
file. Since version 7.0 the style of iframe calendar tag no longer contains
any border style properties.
Note: NN4 doesn't support outside border, it can only have the table
border set by gsOuterTable
in theme-name.js
The calendar panel size is set initially by the width
and height
properties of <iframe> tag. If these 2 values are not matching the actual
size, the calendar engine will try to detect the real size after a short delay
specified by giResizeDelay
option. The incorrect initial size
problem will happen when the browser is not rendering DHTML faster enough
so that the document is not ready upon the size checking time.
Try increasing giResizeDelay
a bit. But don't set it too large because it will bring in visible delay.
Another solution is to adjust the width
and height
of the calendar tag to be the correct initial sizes.
Make sure the giCellWidth
is set larger enough. Try increasing
it 10 pixels a time until you see everything back normal. It's a NN4 bug triggered
when extra stuff stretching the top or bottom section too much wider than
the total width of date cells. Making the top and/or bottom sections shorter
could be another solution.
Please check the gAgendaMask
option in your theme settings.
Make sure the mask value is properly set. The agenda property will be masked
out if the relevant bit value is not set to -1
There are 3 factors that determine which month will be shown when the calendar pops up for the very first time.
1st, if the associated form date object's value is a valid date, then that date will be selected and shown up.
2nd, otherwise if the gdSelect
option is set to a valid date,
then the calendar will come up with it.
3rd, if none of the above applies, the calendar will show up with the month
set by the default-month
parameter in the name & id properties
of the calendar tag. No date gets selected.
In the 3rd situation, for example, if you set the name&id of the calendar
tag to "[2002,10]:normal:agenda.js"
, the calendar will
then start on Oct 2002. Or you may choose "[gToday[0],gToday[1]+1]:normal:agenda.js"
so that it will always show the next month up.
After the first pop-up, the calendar will remember the selected date.
Quite simple, all you need is to put 2 lines of code to the top of fHoliday() function in agenda.js file so that it looks like:
function fHoliday(y,m,d) {
var dayOfWeek=new Date(y,m-1,d).getDay();
if (dayOfWeek==0||dayOfWeek==6) return ["Weekend is not selectable!",null];
It creates a "null" agenda template, null
value in
the action property, for the weekends so that they can't be selected. You
may also disable other dates via the same way. A tip is to have other properties
of agenda defined in the template in order to make the disabled dates in different
colors, backgrounds or even images.
No, you don't need. Duplicate events can be treated as holidays. Instead
of repeating the fAddEvent()
calls, using fHoliday()
to return a single agenda template is much more faster and efficient. The
above FAQ for disabling weekends is a good example. Also please check the
setup agenda tutorial for more detailed info.
The build-in gContainer
reference, which points to the enclosing
window object, is made for such purpose. Suppose you have a form named "testForm"
with a <input> tag named "dateInput" laying in the same page
as the calendar. And you want to put the selected date from the calendar into
the "dateInput" field with the "y/m/d" date format. To
achieve such purpose, you should use the following code in plugins.js
function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
To submit the form associated with the current date field (the one you passed
in as a parameter of fPopCalendar), you should use the following code in plugins.js
function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
To submit a static form named as "testForm", you may use:
function fAfterSelected(y,m,d) {
The calendar engine has 2 system objects "gd
" and
" which can be overriden in agenda.js
file. You may exploit this feature when you want the calendar to mark a server-end
"today" instead of a client-side "today".
1st, you need to prepend the following lines of code to the top of agenda.js
gd=new Date(2003,3-1,11); // You may use any date you want.
gCurMonth=eval(gTheme[0]); // re-init the gCurMonth in case it using gToday.
2nd, you do a search in the theme-name.js file that your theme is using,
e.g. normal.js
, for any references to gToday
. And
copy those options definition to agenda.js file and put them just below the
above lines. e.g.
gd=new Date(2003,3-1,11); // You may use any date you want.
gCurMonth=eval(gTheme[0]); // re-init the gCurMonth in case it using gToday.
gsBottom="..."; // re-init gsBottom if it contains reference to gToday. (optional)
gdSelect=gToday; // re-init gdSelect if it references to gToday. (optional)
And that's it. Of course, you may use ASP/JSP to generate the agenda.js
so that you can specify a server-end date, like:
gd=new Date(<%= year %>,<%= month %>-1,<%= day %>); // year, month, day are server-end variables
Also note that all options in the theme-name.js can be reset dynamically in this manner.
Please check whether the upper Navigation Section or lower Today Section is wider than the total width of date cells. The calendar panel will automatically get stretched if the outter table width becomes larger, and the streched part might not be evenly distributed among all columns.
You may either enlarge the giCellWidth
or cut down the stuff
in top/bottom sections to fix this problem.
Simply set the gBegin
option to gToday
in theme-name.js
file, as following:
var gBegin=gToday; // calendar date range begin from [Year,Month,Date]
var gEnd=[2030,12,31];
It's a bug of IE6 when setting the border style of <iframe> tag in
standard mode. To workaround, you may remove the border style from the <iframe>
tag and put it into the #outerTable
class in theme-name.css file
instead. All themes in version 7.0 and above have already been using this
solution to create calendar borders.
#outerTable {border:2px ridge #808080;}
Yes, easy. There is an option in the theme-name.js
file called
which will be evaluated upon each calendar cell. Simply
name your image files as day1.gif, day2.gif, ... and create a function, named
fGetDateCell(), in the plugins.js as following:
function fGetDateCell(dateStr) {
var d=dateStr.split(",")[2];
return "<IMG src='/images/day"+d+".gif' height=... width=... >";
and set the gsDays
var gsDays="fGetDateCell(sCellDate);";
Note the sCellDate
above is an internal contextual variable
that stores the current cell date in format "y,m,d".
Opera 7 seems to have a z-index bug and layer the iframe objects only by loading sequence. To work around, simply move the calendar iframe tag from the page bottom to page top, as following:
<iframe width=174 height=189 name="gToday:normal:agenda.js" id="gToday:normal:agenda.js"
src="ipopeng.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
style="visibility:visible; z-index:999; position:absolute; left:-500px;
... your html page contents ...
<LAYER name="gToday:normal:agenda.js" src="npopeng.htm">
NOTE that you mustn't move the <LAYER>
calendar tag, otherwise
NN4 will fail.
Easy. There is an option in the theme-name.js
file called giFirstDOW
Set it to 0,1-6 will make Sunday, Monday-Saturday the first day of week.
Easy. Just need to add 1 line of code in fHoliday()
to return
a default agenda instead of null
value for every normal day.
function fHoliday(y,m,d) {
if (r==null) return ["A message for everyday", gsAction];
return r; // if r is null, the engine will just render it as a normal day.
Although most common date formats can be easily set via the theme options, sometimes user do need special customized ones. It's not difficult as long as you know how to intercept the input and output of the calendar.
Here we illustrate the process of setting a format of "MMM dd, yyyy", which is not directly supported by the theme.
1st, set the theme date format to be like "MMM-dd-yyyy", as following
var gsSplit="-"; // separator of date string, AT LEAST one char.
var giDatePos=1; // date format sequence 0: D-M-Y ; 1: M-D-Y; 2: Y-M-D
var gbPadZero=false; // whether to pad the digits with 0 in the left when less than 10.
var giMonthMode=1; // month format 0: digits ; 1: full name from gMonths; >2: abbreviated name
var gbShortYear=false; // year format true: 2-digits; false: 4-digits
2nd, add the following to your plugins.js
function fParseInput(str) {
var dt=str.split(" ");
if (dt.length!=3) return null;
else return fParseDate(dt[0]+gsSplit+dt[1].split(",")[0]+gsSplit+dt[2]);
function fFormatInput(y,m,d) {
var str=fFormatDate(y,m,d).split(gsSplit);
return str[0]+" "+str[1]+", "+str[2];
Note: These 2 plugin functions are the new features that are only available after version 8.2. Please check the Plugins SDK for details.
In the calendar tag, you need to change the value of name & id properties to include the absolute/relative path to the theme directory. e.g.
<iframe name="gToday:/theme1/normal:agenda.js:gfPop:plugins.js" id="gToday:/theme1/normal:agenda.js:gfPop:plugins.js" src="/engine/ipopeng.htm" ... >
The above tag will load the normal theme from /theme1/ virtual directory on your website, while loading agenda.js and plugins.js from /engine/ directory.
Note that you can't specify the protocol name and domain name in the name
& id, because they are fixed to the one used by the src
It's a bug of the Thawte seal script and can be easily fixed by appending a line of script right behind it. i.e.
<script src=""></script>
<script>if (document.layers) document.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);</script>
The 1st <script>
is the Thawte seal script, and the
2nd one is the fix.
Check the theme-name.js file and look for the gbAutoClose
option. Make sure it's set to true
. It's a flexible feature
of the calendar, and there are tons of alike features in the theme waiting
for your inspecting.
Please try the following one. Note the form id must be set to the same
as the one passed in to gfPop.fPopCalendar()
, otherwise the
calendar will not be able to find the date input field.
<%@ Register TagPrefix="ie" Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<form id="demoform" runat="server"><ie:TabStrip runat="server" TargetID="mpage" AutoPostBack="true"
<ie:Tab Text="PopCalendar" />
<ie:Tab Text="FlatCalendar" />
<ie:Tab Text="About"/>
</ie:TabStrip><ie:MultiPage id="mpage" SelectedIndex="1" runat="server">
Date Field: <input name="dc" value="" size="11"><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="gfPop.fPopCalendar(document.demoform.dc);return false;" HIDEFOCUS><img name="popcal" align="absbottom" src="calbtn.gif" width="34" height="22" border="0" alt=""></a>
<iframe name="gToday:normal:agenda.js:gfFlat" id="gToday:normal:agenda.js:gfFlat" src="iflateng.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0">
Copyright (C)2003 Idemfactor Solutions, Inc.
<iframe name="gToday:supermini:agenda.js" id="gToday:supermini:agenda.js" src="ipopeng.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="visibility:visible; z-index:999; position:absolute; left:-500px; top:0px;">
Put the above TabStripDemo.aspx into a virtual directory on your IIS with the supermini theme for PopCalendarXP and normal theme for FlatCalendarXP.
Note: If you don't want to set the AutoPostBack
of tabstrip
control, you should append the following onclick code to workaround a bug
in the tab/multipage control. (A bug that will mess up the calendar, but
only seems affecting IE.)
<ie:TabStrip runat="server" TargetID="mpage" onclick="if(gfPop)gfPop.fHideCal();if(gfFlat)gfFlat.fResize()" ...>
Sometimes we don't want to see month/year values that are out of the valid date range we specified in the month/year selectors. This logic has already been implemented in most themes, but for certain themes that use html dropdown lists, e.g. normal theme, we still need to build a small plugin as following in the plugins.js so as to keep only valid months/years in list (note this plugin doesn't support NN4).
// Append the following to the bottom of plugins.js file
function fBuildCalTitle(){
if (!gdBegin||!gdEnd) return "";
var a=[];
var mstr=["<SELECT id='MonSelect' class='CalTitle' onchange='if(!fSetCal(fGetById(document,\"YearSelect\").value, this.value,0,true,event))fRepaint()'>"];
for (var i=0; i<12; i++) {
if (gCurMonth[0]==gdBegin.getFullYear()&&i<gdBegin.getMonth()) continue;
if (gCurMonth[0]==gdEnd.getFullYear()&&i>gdEnd.getMonth()) break;
mstr.push("<OPTION value='",i+1,"' "+(i==gCurMonth[1]-1?"selected":"")+">",gMonths[i],"</OPTION>");
mstr.push("</SELECT>"); mstr=mstr.join('');
var ystr=["<SELECT id='YearSelect' class='CalTitle' onchange='if(!fSetCal(this.value, fGetById(document,\"MonSelect\").value,0,true,event))fRepaint()'>"];
for(var i=gdBegin.getFullYear();i<=gdEnd.getFullYear();i++)
ystr.push("<OPTION value='",i,"' "+(i==gCurMonth[0]?"selected":"")+">",i,"</OPTION>");
if (gbDCSeq) a.push(mstr,ystr);
else a.push(ystr,mstr);
return a.join("");
If you need a default date, simply assign one to the value
property of the <input>
tag, either by asp, jsp or your own javascript functions. The calendar will automatically pick it up when it pops up. If you leave the value
property empty, then the calendar will try to populate it with the gdSelect
option defined in your theme-name.js file.
If you want to take advantage of any built-in functions of PopCalendarXP, you must wait until the page is fully loaded. It's because the script engine is loaded at the end of page and might not be available if you calling it earlier. An example of setting today's date as the default one is as following.
<body ... onload="document.formName.dateField.value=gfPop.fFormatInput(gfPop.gToday[0], gfPop.gToday[1], gfPop.gToday[2])">
You just need to set the input box to be readonly by appending [ readonly onfocus="this.blur()"
] to it. e.g.
<input name="dateField1" value="" readonly onfocus="this.blur()" >
Now the value of this field can only be set by scripts and you don't need to worry about user typing in wrong date any more.
If you want to create a calendar that belongs to a user, you may need to pass the user id to the scripts that generate the agenda file so that the calendar only shows up the events related to that specific user.
CalendarXP has already taken it into account and all you need is set the url in the name & id of the calendar tag, as following:
<iframe name="gToday:normal:agenda.jsp?userId=<%=obj.getUserID()%>" id="gToday:normal:agenda.jsp?userId=<%=obj.getUserID()%>"
The above example is using JSP to generate the agenda file, of course you may use Perl, ASP, PHP or whatever else instead.
Note: you must escape any non-alphabetical chars in the URL, especially the colon char. Running the parameter string through an URL encoding filter and using the transformed string in the name & id of the calendar tag is always a safe way to go.
Yes, any actions can be associated with the week numbers, e.g. popup windows, change url or even update calendar events. There is a plugin in the plugins.js file:
function fOnWeekNo(year, weekNo) {
...put your code here...
Now you may do whatever you like in the fOnWeekNo() function. It'll be called every time when you click on the week numbers of the calendar.
The calendar size is determined by the calendar cell size and the padding and spacing size of the panel table. They can be adjusted easily by editing the following options in the theme-name.js file: giCellWidth, giCellHeight, gsInnerTable, gsOuterTable.
It's because sometimes the Konqueror has difficulty in expanding the calendar panel to the correct size. Currently it can be worked around by giving the iframe tag a larger-than-usual width value since it appears to have no problem in shrinking automatically. e.g. <iframe width=600 ...>
It's a bug of certain Konqueror version. This bug exists outside the calendar engine and you may test it with any simply link on a blank page - the onclick event will not be fired after your first click unless you move the mouse out of the link and back in again. Currently it can be worked around by using onmousedown
event handler instead of onclick
. (Modify gsNavPrev/gsNavNext options accordingly)
It looks like this bug only occurs on anchor links, it's not affecting buttons.
It means that the calendar engine has not yet been loaded when you try to popup the calendar.
Please check your calendar tag first and make sure the src
property is pointing to the engine file with correct web path. Then you need to make sure there is no error generated during the engine loading process - for example, you might have a typo when modifying the theme or plugin that introduces a syntax error. The easiest way to check is to load your page into a Mozilla browser and check its JavaScript Console to see if there were any errors being reported.
There is another possibility that you will see this error - if your page took a long time to load and the user tried to trigger the popup before the page is fully loaded. This usually is not an issue because it'll be working fine after the page finishes loading. If you really don't want to see this error, you may simply prepend "if(self.gfPop)" condition check to the onclick event handler. e.g.
<a onclick="if(self.gfPop)gfPop.fPopCalendar(...);else alert('Please wait until the page is fully loaded.'); return false;" ...>...</a>
You need to put 4 lines of code into the fOnChange() plugin function. e.g.
function fOnChange(y,m,d,e) {
if (m!=gCurMonth[1]&&[y,m,d]+''!=gToday+'') { // cancel the auto month switching
return true;
return false; // return true to cancel the change.
So afterwards, clicking the dimmed days that belongs to prev/next months will no longer automatically switch the calendar.
It's a bug of IE, all other browsers work fine without any problem. To work around, you just need to append one more line as following to the document.onmousedown event handler in your page.
if (!e) self.event.srcElement.focus();
It's a CSS bug of IE6 only, and doesn't exist in earlier versions of IE. To work around, you just need to give the tab page tag that contains the date field a style of at least 1px padding. e.g. If the tab page is a <div>
tag, you'll need the following css class definition in your page.
div {padding:1px}
There is a new call-back function in the plugins.js called fIsSelected(y,m,d)
, which determines whether to mark the passed-in date as a selected date. If this function returns true
, the specific date passed in will be marked as selected using theme options giMarkSelected
, gcFGSelected
, gcBGSelected
and guSelectedBGImg
. Please refer to the Plugins SDK tutorial for details.
To select multiple dates, you just need to create an array in the plugins.js to store either the selected dates or the selected date range. The array takes values via fOnChange()
or fAfterSelected()
, then it's checked from within the fIsSelected()
function. You may find a good example in the MultiPicker demo in FlatCalendarXP or the WeekPicker demo in PopCalendarXP.
Please have a look at the setup agenda and holidays tutorial, it's detailed there.
Please check the fOnDrag()
plugin call and make sure it returns false
. If it returns true
, the "set date" action will be cancelled and hence the fOnChange()
and fAfterSelected()
will not be called.
You just need to give your month navigator tags an id of "navPrev" or "navNext" and the calendar engine will then find them and start auto-traverse when you holding down the mouse button on them. Take a look at the existing themes for a sample.
In the theme-name.js file you may find an option called gsOutOfRange
, setting it to an empty string ""
will disable such alerts.
In the plugins.js file add some extra code to the fOnChange()
function, as following:
function fOnChange(y,m,d,e) {
if (d==0) {
var lastDay=fGetDays(y)[m];
It's a CSS bug of Safari, and doesn't exist in other browsers. It's related to the way how Safari handles the CSS rule of "display:table-row".
To work around, you'll have to wrap another <div style='display:table-row'>
tag to the html
contents of the event if running inside Safari. e.g.
fAddEvent(2004,3,20,"test", ... ,(SA?"<div style='display:table-row'>":"")+"<div class='MsgBoard'>test</div>"+(SA?"</div>":""));
NOTE: You may ask why wrapping it conditionally(only when Safari is detected)? The answer is IE6 doesn't like such wrapping for some reason and will choke on it.
Check for gBegin
and gEnd
options in the theme-name.js
file and replace them with the following code:
var gBegin=gToday;
var _dEnd=new Date(gToday[0],gToday[1]-1,gToday[2]+7);
var gEnd=[_dEnd.getFullYear(),_dEnd.getMonth()+1,_dEnd.getDate()];
NOTE: The month number used in the javascript Date object is ranged from 0 to 11.
To get rid of the line-through effect on disabled or out-of-range dates, you just need to append the following line to the plugins.js file:
By default the engine only provides 2 theme options to config the tooltip and background image of the out-of-range dates - gsOutOfRange
& guOutOfRange
. If you want more varied look-and-feel, you just have to code a bit more with the help of agenda.js
- for example adding the following line of code in fHoliday
will give the out-of-range dates a red font color and a green boxed background:
function fHoliday(y,m,d) {
if (!fValidRange(y,m,d)) return [gsOutOfRange,null,"green","red",guOutOfRange,true];
Make sure you have set the gAgendaMask
option properly beforehand, otherwise you may get nothing changed in the look since the corresponding bit may be masked.
The default algorithm employed is ISO8601 standard, which means Jan 1st will belong to the last week of last year if it falls in the last 3 days of a week. To make it more flexible, now you may re-define the fWeekOffset
function in plugins.js
to return an offset of 1 or 0, which will be used to adjust the week number.
The day-of-week location of Jan 1st will be passed in as the only parameter. This location is a number of between 0 and 6 that denotes one of the 7 day-of-week columns of the calendar from left to right. Say you want that Jan 1st should be taken into the week no.1 of the current year only when it falls between Monday-Friday, and the giFirstDOW
is set to 0 (means week column 0 is Sunday), then you should add the following code to plugins.js
function fWeekOffset(dow) {
return 1<=dow&&dow<=5?1:0;
If the giFirstDOW
is set to 1 (means week column 0 is Monday), then the following code should be used instead (because Monday - Friday is 0 - 4 now):
function fWeekOffset(dow) {
return dow<=4?1:0;
Taking the HelloWorld demo in PopCalendarXP as example, you first need to add 3 html <select> tags with appropriate nested <option> tags and name them as yearBox
, monBox
and dayBox
. Make sure you use numeric values 1-31 for the dayBox, 1-12 for monthBox and the exact year values for yearBox. Then add the following code into the fAfterSelect
function in plugins.js
function fAfterSelect(y,m,d,e) {
var _yc=gdCtrl.form.yearBox;
NOTE: You may turn the original date field into a hidden form field so as to hide it from the user interface.